Sunday 5 January 2014

Proof of A Quran

It follows that since the Creator, Allah (swt) has created man, life and the universe, there must have been a purpose for the creation and a means, i.e. systems, by which to achieve it.

The obvious questions that proceed are:

How does man receive the purpose, rules and regulations, given by the Creator, by which he is to govern and understand his life?

In what form are these rules and regulations received by man?

Clearly, either man communicates with the Creator or that the Creator communicates with us to explain our existence. Man, however, is limited and unable to comprehend or perceive the unlimited and as such cannot communicate with the Creator. This obvious fact therefore, means that the communication had to come from the Creator.

Throughout history, there have been messengers and prophets, men sent from the Creator, bringing laws or revelation on how man should conduct his life. They were given miracles which proved to mankind that they were bringing revelation. A miracle is something which goes against the laws of nature. For example prophet Musa (Moses) had a stick which parted the Red Sea. Prophet Isa (Jesus) had the ability to cure the sick by just touching them.

But how do we know if these messengers existed? The miracles performed by the above prophets were only miracles for that specific period of time. But how do we know that they were not just legends or fables? They are not proof for us. So what miracle do we have right now to convince us and guide us through our lives?

There are many texts available today claiming divine status from God. But is the guidance contained in them in its original form and is it applicable to all situations at all times? Any text claiming to be divine must not contain contradictions, discrepancies or adulterations, since this would question the perfection of God and the validity of the text.

If we apply this acid test to these ‘divine texts’, we find that non except the Qur’an fulfill the above criteria. Many religions contain aspects of the same truth (since messengers have come to teach each nation) but this truth has been tampered with by man. 

Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the Word of God. They believe it is complete, i.e. it provides answers for all of life’s affairs and it has kept its authenticity. i.e. nothing has been removed or added to it by any man since it was revealed, but as we could not believe in the Creator, God (Allah [swt]), until we became intellectually convinced, similarly the ‘divine’ message must be examined and proved. There needs to exist a rational proof for the validity of the text, not a blind emotional argument.

The Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad (saw - may be peace and blessings of Allah [swt] be upon him and his family). At the time it was revealed, the pagan Arabs were deeply into poetry. It was an indication of nobility in society. People used to go to the desert for days just to write poetry. The Arabic language has great fluidity and depth of expression, so it was held high in esteem by the Arabs.

So we need to consider the authorship of the Qur’an. The Qur’an can only the work of the following:

Muhammad (saw)
The Creator, Allah (swt)

Firstly, it is important to point out here that the Qur’an was revealed in Arabic. Because of the high standard of the Arabic used by the Qur’an, indeed its very excellence and mastery of the language, it is not from a non-Arab. It is well known that, a non-Arab aged 16 called Jabr was charged with conspiring with Muhammad (saw) in writing the Qur’an, but Allah (swt) replied to these allegations:

"And we know well that they say: only a man teaches him. The speech of him at whom they falsely hint is notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear." [T.M.Q 16:103]

Now one would turn to the Arabs for the authorship of the Qur’an, having dismissed the theory that a non-Arab could have written it as being ridiculous. One of the disbelieving Arab poets of the time, Walid ibn Al-Mughira said after hearing the Qur’an, "None of you is more conversant than I with poetry, melodious hymns and songs, and by God never did I hear anything similar to which he says. It is so sweet and so graceful that it remains at the summit with nothing to surpass it."

People who disbelieved the divine authenticity were sent revelation challenging them to bring forth any similar writing:

"...They may say, ‘He forged it.’ Say, ‘Bring ye then ten surahs (chapters) forged, like unto it, and call (to your aid) whomsoever ye can other than God! If ye speak the truth.’ [T.M.Q 11:13]

And when the Arabs failed to meet this, they were challenged once more.

"And if ye are in doubt as to what we have revealed from time to time to our servant,
then produce a chapter like there unto call to your witnesses or helpers
(if there are any) besides God, if your doubts are true." [T.M.Q 2:23]

They tried to bring the like of the Qur’an but they failed. And this challenge has remained until this day for everyone, both Muslim and non-Muslim and both the Arab and the non-Arab. Clearly, it is not the speech of an Arab, let alone non-Arab.

The Qur’anic challenge is unique because the Creator, Allah (swt), pushes man to use his ability to undermine the authenticity of the Qur’an. Such a profound yet simple challenge. Imagine throughout the history of Islam, all her enemies needed to defeat this challenge to destroy the whole basis of Islam. Yet not one, non-Muslim Arab or non-Arab has been able to do this even though all the tools of the Arabic language are at their disposal.

It is also inconceivable that the Qur’an is the speech of Muhammad (saw). After all he is one of the Arabs. Also, whatever level of genius people may assign to him, he is still a human being and one of his tribe and nation. Since the Arabs failed to bring the like of the Qur’an, this equally applies to Muhammad (saw). He could not bring the like of it, thus it is not from him. It is important to point out that none of the Arabs, who despised Muhammad (saw), particularly at that time, that were the most acquainted with the styles of Arabic speech ever claimed that the Qur’an was Muhammad’s (saw) speech, or even similar to his speech. Moreover, it is clearly documented that Muhammad (saw) was illiterate i.e. he could not read not write. Infact illiteracy is a proof in itself.

Also the traditions (ahadith) of Muhammad (saw) are completely unlike the linguistic style of the Qur’an. This is the case even though Muhammad (saw) would utter the revealed Qur’anic verse and say the tradition at one sitting. How could a man maintain a completely different style for 23 years? Strangely, people could copy the style of his traditions but not that of the Qur’an! We have established that the Qur’an could not have originated from a non-Arab, Arab or Muhammad (saw). This leaves us with the only real source, the Creator, Allah (swt). He (swt) says:

"Do they not ponder about the Qur’an? If it had come from God they would surely have found therein much contradictions." [T.M.Q:82]

To this day Muslim and non-Muslim scholars have not been able to find any contradiction or mistake in the Qur’an. Moreover, if one was to compare letter by letter a copy of the Qur’an published today to one of the first copies of the Qur’an available then one would find that not a single letter has been omitted or added. Copies of the Qur’an dating back to the first century of Islam can be found in Istanbul and Tashkent.

Furthermore, the Meaning of the Qur’an has become a proof in that it foretold events, and explained issues which man had yet to discover. For example, the science of embryology is merely 30 years old. Certainly, 1400 years ago, where there were no microscopes, let alone ultrasound. Yet the Qur’an goes into depth about how life starts, the pairing of gametes, the dividing of cells, the forming of the three body layers, and the development of organs.

Thus it is clear that the basis of Islam, the Quran, could only have come from the one who created language in order to produce a book that surpasses the language of any human. And from the one who created science in order to put in the Quran knowledge that no human knew of, only until recently. Therefore, the Quran can only have come from the Creator, Allah (swt).

Source > >

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