Wednesday 8 January 2014

The Piranha (Paper Aeroplane)


Paper aeroplanes can be designed to do lots of different things. The Piranha is a paper aeroplane specifically designed for short range speed and accuracy. If I'm being even more specific, it was designed to knock other paper aeroplanes right out of the sky!

The Piranha produces virtually no lift and cannot glide. The weight is concentrated at the front and the entire back section is basically there to keep the whole thing flying straight. It can be thrown as hard as you like and, provided you can throw accurately, it will go pretty much exactly where you want it to go.

1. Take one A4 piece of paper.

2. Fold the piece of paper exactly in half longways. Then unfold. You will use the fold you have created as a guide line in later steps.

3. Now fold the corners at one end of the paper so they meet the centre line.

4. Fold the tip of the plane back so it meets the points where the other folds cross.

5. Now fold the corners in again, as show in the diagram on the left. However, do not start the fold exactly on at the tip, and do not fold all the way to the centre line. Leave a tiny gap (roughly 1mm) between the centre line and the folds. This is important, as it stops too many folds building up at one point, which can lead to the paper ripping.

6. Fold in once more, still keeping the 1mm gap between the fold and the centre line of the paper aeroplane.

7. Refold along the centre line, so all the folds you made in steps 3 to 6 are on the outside of the plane.

8. Fold along the yellow line on one side of the paper, as shown in the diagram on the left. You should get the diagram on the right.

9. Now repeat the fold on the other side.

10. Fold along the yellow line on one side of the paper, as shown in the diagram on the left. You should get the diagram on the right.

11. Now repeat on the other side.

12. Now we're going to create the nose of the paper aeroplane. Fold along the yellow line on one side of the paper. You should end up with something that looks like the diagram on the right.

13. Now repeat the fold on the other side.

14. Now we're going to fold up the wings. Fold along the yellow line on one side of the paper as shown in the diagram on the left, then repeat on the other side. Aim for something that looks like the diagram on the right.

15. Now we're going to fold up the fins. If you've got a ruler handy, aim for the dimensions as shown in the diagram on the left.

16. And you're done! Rejoice! However, before you make a fool out of yourself in front of someone important, like The Pope, or Justin Bieber, take note: you hold paper aeroplanes like this on the strut inside the plane. Look:

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